
Comparative Drawing as Tool in Research and Design: Prof. Heiner Stengel // viernes 18 feb. 1:30pm, aula 08M

Conferencia a cargo de Heiner Stengel, de la IU Internationale Hochschule de Hamburgo, Alemania.

Drawings from Wolfrum Squares Urban Space in Europe (Birkhäuser)
Drawings from Wolfrum Squares Urban Space in Europe (Birkhäuser)

Architects and Urban Designers deal with social, economic, functional, regulatory and not the least aesthetical aspects of space. Within interdisciplinary processes both in Research and Design Architects and Urban Designers are often the only actors capable of visualizing conceptual ideas not only by words or charts but by drawings. Our laboratory whether for research or any kind of spatial experiments is the built environment.
Explaining and designing spatial situations using drawings of a consistent manner as a tool aid both in understanding and shaping unique characteristics of these spaces. In Research and Design comparative drawings are the resource of our discipline to compare complexity and composition, dimension, scale and all the ambiguous zones and in-between spaces of Architecture and Urban Design. A plaidoyer for the potential of Drawings to enliven, illuminate, articulate and craft spatial qualities.
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. (Univ.) Heiner Stengel received his degree in Architecture from Technical University Munich (TUM). He is a registered Architect and Urban Designer and has been teaching as a research associate at TUM, as an Associate Professor at the German University of Cairo and since 2020 is Professor of Architecture at IU International University of Applied Sciences Hamburg.