
Tomás Sánchez Criado en el Máster en Arquitectura de Alicante

Tomás Sánchez Criado, antropólogo social, especialista en Estudios sobre Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad:

In the last years I have been developing a ‘how-to’ anthropology of inclusive urbanism and DIY ecologies of support, undertaking ethnographic and archival research on accessibility struggles and the design and maintenance of sidewalk democracy projects in Europe, with a focus on Spain. I’m interested in their two-fold ‘how-to’ dimension: as forms of  ‘technoscientific activism’–challenging  technocracy through the circulation of this experience-based knowledge in particular documentation interfaces–; and as  ‘DIY ecologies of support’–generating self-experimentation methods, as well as sites and encounters to elicit bodily diversity and the appropriate socio-material affordances to host it. I’m also interested in the ways these particular ‘how-to’ cultures impact on fieldwork practices and devices, making space for ethnography as a form of ‘joint-problem making’.

Senior researcher at the Chair in Participatory Technology Design (Coord. by Prof. Ignacio Farías), Munich Centre for Technology in Society (MCTS) & Department of Architecture, Technische Universität München.